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Supplying the following:
  • 70 computers
  • Vehicle mount devices
  • 45 computers on sidewalk or yard cranes
  • 100 computers on ground cranes and tractors
  • 20 Handheld computer devices
  • 165 Licenses for the management of crane equipment
  • 8 Electronic gates
  • 8 Electronic scales

The bidding documents are to be obtained from the head office of the company according to the purchase processes in the above table with the above listed prices.

In case of any inquiries related to the above tender please note that the table above has the fixed date and sessions for each company.

Bids to be submitted by hand or by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt in two sealed envelopes, a technical offer containing the initial insurance and a financial offer containing the price lists, both addressed to the managing director in the Holding Company for Maritime and land Transport Head of the Central Procurement Committee not late than Monday 15/8/2022 at twelve o'clock PM at 71 Horria's avenue-Alattareen,Alexandria.

All prices offered must be VAT included with its rate determined separately.

The validity ot the bids should not be less than three months from the date of opening the technical envelope, also the letter of guarantee for the initial insurance will be unconditional and irrevocable, and it will be valid for three months starting from the date of the disclosure of the technical offer.

Bids received after the technical bids disclosure set date, or bids that are not eligible or missing the initial insurance full value, and bids submitted without buying the bidding documents will not be considered.

The company has the right to split, accept or reject any bid.

The bidding documents, the regulations for contracts, procurement and inventory for each company,as well as Law No.(182/2018) are complementary to the terms of this notice.

The value of the above bidding documents are inclusive of VAT, in addition to five Egyptian pounds for Martyr's Right Fund.

Tender adv.

Monday 15/08/2022 175000



Inspiring from the fact that information systems is a base of performing logistics operations successfully.

In PSCCHC we decided that IT tools not just tools to finish work however it should be a good chance to communicate with our partners & productivity enhancement.
There are more than 16 connected site distributed across port said port.


In our network we used different ways of communication such as: LAN – WIFI-fiber cables-radio waves – internet back bone

Architecture : Server/ client + web service
Database: Oracle9i
Development tools: Oracle Developer 6 , Visual Basic 6 , Oracle Developer 10G, Visual 10 +
OS : Windows Platform


How can I ship goods or belongings through PSCCHC?

Larger or commercial shipments: Find the country you are shipping to/from and determine which shipping lines serve that country, and contact their agents directly. Personal belongings: It is best to employ a freight forwarder to act as your agent and find you the best deal for ocean/road/rail transport.

Which ships are in port right now?

You can revise Berth Situation page from our website to check about the current status of berth quays online.

Where is my container?

Contact your agent or freight forwarder for the status of your shipment. If you are still unable to obtain this information, the terminal may be able to help you if your shipment has arrived in port. If you know the name of the ship and your container's identification number, and the ship is in port, the shipping line's agent may be able to help you.

How is PSCCHC important?

PSCCHC is an international port linked to more than 100 countries around the world. It handles about 900000 TEU (twenty-feet equivalent units, or containers) annually... PSCCHC serving such markets as North & South Europe, the Mediterranean and Far East market .

What is the PSCCHC economic impact?

PSCCHC enhances the competitiveness of exporters from Far East industrial heartland, and facilitates the supply of raw materials and all types of products to industry. PSCCHC supporting the national economy through achieving remarkable input to the national income annually, and creates direct and indirect jobs.

Is the port open in winter?

PSCCHC open 24 hour / 365 day per year.

Where can I find arrival and departure dates for ships at PSCCHC?

The client can find arrival and departure dates in seaway bill of lading and check with local agent or freight forwarder Or contact our control department in the terminal for any information about his shipment .

Where is the head office of PSCCHC?

Address : EGYPT, PORT SAID - Mostafa Kamel & Azmy Street , Port Said Port Authority Building, 6th Floor. P.O.BOX : 1239. BD CODE : CRP/25-8BWPIC TEL : 002-066-3237151 / 002-066-3235012 FAX : 002-066-3220419 For our full contact data click here please

Where can I find out more about the Suez Canal?

There is information about the Suez Canal on the Suez Canal Web site

What are the Container Specifications?

Dry Freight Containers

Type Height Material Tare Weight

Max* Cargo Cap (kg/lbs) Door Opening Interior Dimensions Interior Cube (m3/cft)
Width (mm/ft) Height (mm/ft)LengthWidth Height
20 ' 8'-6" Aluminium 1,630/3,594 18,690/41,204 2,343/7'8" 2,303/7'7" 5,933/19'6 2,399/7'10" 2,399/7'10" 33.2/1,172
8'-6" Steel 2,300/5,071 21,700/47,840 2,340/7'8" 2,280/7'6" 5,905/19'4 2,392/7'10" 2,392/7'10" 33.2/1,172

40 '

8'-6" Aluminium 2,640/5,820 27,840/61,377 2,343/7'8"2,283/7'6" 12,058/39'7" 2,343/7'8" 2,383/7'10" 67.3/2,376
8'-6" Steel 3,860/8,510 26,620/58,687 2,340/7'6" 2,280/7'6" 12,039/39'6" 2,350/7'9" 2,392/7'10" 67.7/2,390

Financial statements

Financial statements for the fiscal year ending 30/06/2014

Balance Sheet Income Statement Statement of property rights Statement of Cash Flows

Financial statements for the fiscal year ending 30/06/2015

Balance Sheet Statement of property rights Statement of Cash Flows Income Statement

Financial statements for the fiscal year ending 30/06/2016

Balance Sheet Statement of Cash Flows Income Statement Statement of property rights

Financial statements for the fiscal year ending 30/06/2017

Balance Sheet part 1 Balance Sheet part 2 Income Statement Statement of property rights

Financial statements for the fiscal year ending 30/06/2018

Balance Sheet part 1 Balance Sheet part 2 Income Statement Statement of Cash Flows Statement of property rights Statement of property rights